Company description
Visiting East Africa is, where you will have a Magic place and a magnetic Memory calling you back, in truth going to Africa is often a once –in-life-time experience –so it makes sense to travel with the best and we are here to do that. Whether you're looking for classic holidays, a private off-the-beaten path journey, or a personal exploration of Africa's tribal cultures and Historical tour, there is simply no experience like an ETHIO USA TOURS.
Ethio USA Tour is committed to providing amazing tour packages and excellent customer service. Our goal is to exceed your satisfaction and expectations for your trip. In fact, our slogan is "Distinctive ETHIOPIAN Travel" and we aim to provide experiences that other travel companies simply cannot provide. Ethio USA Tour is one of a hand Show more
full of tour operator based in the United States of America, and that engaged in the tourism industry. We provide both inbound tours to the USA and outbound tours to East Africa, but we specialize in Ethiopian tourism. The joy of traveling is that it can be enjoyed virtually anywhere in the world. Yet one of the best countries for breathtaking scenery, rugged but majestic mountains, exotic flora, fauna (mainly endemic mammals, birds, plants) and pristine cultural diversity maintained by perpetual site and tribes undoubtedly it is Ethiopia.